Spiders and Religious Mysticism


Submission by Yis Kid Words by Nastasia Khmelnitski


Spiders And Religious Mysticism is a series created by Yis Kid, which strives to influence our perception of the human by representing the subjects in unexpected ways. The angles of choice imply an additional layer to read the photographs - suggesting a parallel of the human with an animal. The manifestation of the storyline comes through the zoom-ins on body parts and the uncanny poses the models work with. The faces, the only feature that connects to the specific person, remain outside of our view. Black and white images and the work with light and shadows create differentiation between what can and cannot be seen.


We discuss with Yis Kid the impulse to create, the topics of interest, which drive to continue and explore, and the impact of the Medieval paintings on Yis Kid’s vision. ‘Spider forms and infernal beasts’ become the essential influence on the models’ body movements, guiding the form to become almost unrecognizable. Emotions, which come in negation to what society expects to see and accept, is one of the themes that drives Yis Kid’s work. Yis Kid defines this approach to the topic as, ‘the way I represent the body is not important, but it is what makes me represent the body like that.’


Talent Mira


‘It is not an art project in which you develop a concept. They are photographs that have enough similarities to create a project.’


How would you define the project Spiders and Religious Mysticism? 

It is not an art project in which you develop a concept. They are photographs that have enough similarities to create a project, separating myself as much as I can from idealized aesthetics or overly artistic concepts. I don't believe photographic projects need words to be explained. I can try to explain my work in its entirety, but not as a solo project.


‘I mean that my interest is in the revolutionary. I try to create something new that I have not seen. That breaks the social conventions and correct manners.’


Talent Xiaoqiao


What was the main drive to create it? 

Just to take pictures. My impulse is the internal impulse to constantly want to take photos - the act of generating the image.

You mentioned that society and possible ways to represent it through your personal prism is one of your main interests. In what way, the abstract and edgy presentation of a person can affect the thought processes that will lead to change or a new understanding?

If everyone looks to the right, I am interested in looking to the left. I am a person who is interested in breaking the rules that aim to preserve life, such as order or balance. By this, I mean that my interest is in the revolutionary. I try to create something new that I have not seen. That breaks the social conventions and correct manners that have been imposed on us, photographically speaking.


Talent Lucía


‘The way I represent the body is not important, but it is what makes me represent the body like that.’


What draws attention is the unique way you choose to present a nude body, which is manifested through distorted forms and is emphasized by the use of black and white images. What are some of the emotions you’re aiming to reveal with the viewer? Tell about the subjects you photographed and the main direction you had for them.

Each person will understand the project in a different way: some will focus on nudity, others on aesthetics... For me, the way I represent the body is not important, but it is what makes me represent the body like that. And those are emotions that society considers ‘negative’ as lack of control, fear, violence in all their meanings and from all possible points of view. Those are emotions contrary to what society wants to see, but those are emotions that are there that drive me more than luxury or material happiness.


‘The moment when I am taking the photos is what I value the most in the whole project. There is a mix between control, lack of control, and surprise that I honestly love.’


The casting of models was quite broad and free. I was not particularly interested in any model, nor was I looking for a specific body type. The direction of the models was a mixture of spider forms and infernal beasts, like these paintings from 1300-1400 from the Medieval times, in which they recreated a violent inferno, with beasts devouring men, mouths full of teeth, fire, and torture.


Talent October


Which moment from this project is most precious to you? 

The moment when I am taking the photos is what I value the most in the whole project. There is a mix between control, lack of control, and surprise that I honestly love. I could’ve continued taking photos for this project for years without actually moving on to reviewing any images, but, hey, I understand that I have to put an end to it and move to another project.


Talent October


Talent Xiaoqiao


Talent Fedster


Zero Gravity
