Athens Boys


Submission by Agustin Farias Words by Nastasia Khmelnitski


What would you do if you had to prolong your vacation in Greece? Agustín Farías had to stay on the island due to the trouble he faced on the way back to Germany while crossing the border. Athens Boys is a short series that emerged as a result of this unexpected occurrence. It’s a studio shot that explores the spirit of Greece as seen in characters on set.


The portraits of three models: Filius, Lorenzo, and Marko, shot on 120mm and 35mm black and white film deliver an authentic representation of youth and self-expression. Agustiín adds a layer to the series working with the physical matter of an image, photocopying and creating collages then scanning the end-results.

Agustín Farías is an Argentinian photographer and director, currently based in Berlin. His main interest lies in portraiture and fashion. We speak with Agustín about his recent trip to Lesbos and the photoshoot he produced in the local scene. Agustín explains how he was able to shoot in a foreign country and describes his stay in the capital as, “Athens offers so much, like an inspiring underground against an ancient urban backdrop.”


Photography and Collages Agustin Farias Hairstylist Yannis Kyriazos Talents Filius Mi hail Canakis Lorenzo Sarjan Marko Kribalis

Special thanks to D Model Agency Athens


‘Athens Boys is a literal title for a series of photographs that came together pretty easily, which I always like.’


Hi Agustín, glad to present your project in WÜL. How would you describe Athens Boys? 

Athens Boys is a literal title for a series of photographs that came together pretty easily, which I always like because then the final result tends to be a surprise and not too over-worked.


‘I like printing my photographs cheaply on paper, to experiment with the material of an image and play with multiple combinations and hand-made effects.’


Let’s touch on post-production as you work a lot with adding physical elements to the images as color, scanning the photographs, and folding. What is the feeling you seek to create with this technique? 

My goal was to extend the limits of the ‘final’ format. Lately, I like printing my photographs cheaply on paper, to experiment with the material of an image and play with multiple combinations and hand-made effects.


‘The day I should be flying back to Berlin, I found out there was a problem with my travel documents, so I had to stay in Athens for a few extra weeks.’


What was the most memorable moment during your unexpectedly prolonged stay in Athens? 

This summer, I was in Lesbos, as part of a small artist residency hosted by friends. The day I should be flying back to Berlin, I found out there was a problem with my travel documents, so I had to stay in Athens for a few extra weeks. Getting an issue at the border is never fun, and like other people in a similar situation, I found it very stressful. I guess taking photographs was my way to meet people in the local scene while taking a break from my visa drama at the same time. Athens offers so much, like an inspiring underground against an ancient urban backdrop.


You decided to create an editorial in a foreign country during your trip. What would be some of your tips to other photographers looking to work abroad and finding the team on the spot?  

Instagram is still a great tool for finding people in new places. Friends and friend-connections help a lot too!


‘When I was preparing for the shoot, I was expecting something casual and relaxed, but at the same time, I was excited to see this kind of styling emerge.’


What is the most memorable moment or episode from the shooting day or the preparation for it? 

When I was preparing for the shoot, I was expecting something casual and relaxed, but at the same time, I was excited to see this kind of styling emerge. I remember it was difficult to get a stylist for that day, so the models brought their clothes. This was a lot of fun, and I like the authenticity of a model’s look.


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